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Were you Working with Wine Cellar Innovations?

If so, we hope you weren’t one of the customers with work in progress and a deposit down at the time they closed. We don’t have a lot of information (and what we’ve heard has yet to be properly verified) but we do know that they ceased operations on June 14, 2022. We were informed they would not be shipping product any longer so those with work in progress would not be receiving their orders.

We understand this can be a gutting feeling. Not only are you out a deposit (although hint: if you paid on a credit card, you likely have recourse through your credit card company to recover the funds) but you are left to start over with another provider to supply your wine racks or wine cellar cooling system.

If you were affected by the closure of Wine Cellar Innovations, we'd be happy to work with you to help make your wine cellar dreams a reality, and will offer preferential pricing to help the best we can. We offer a variety of styles of wine racking (custom or modular) and wine cellar refrigeration systems. We also offer custom wine cellar design services for those needing that extra level of service. 

Please reach out to us to discuss your project

    BONUS! Shipping to a US address? All US-bound orders have no state sales tax!

    Please feel free to reach out if you could use a hand with your wine cellar project or have any questions about our products.